5 min readHow does AI video analytics assist in filtering false alarms?
How AI Video Analytics Helps Reduce False Alarms

Traditional AI video analytics, such as motion detectors and video surveillance systems, have become outdated. Monitoring centers often receive signals and alarms; however, these are not all genuine emergencies. At times, certain unwanted signals may disrupt the normal functioning of monitoring systems, causing financial and operational glitches. 

In a global scenario where security is the primary concern, conventional cameras cannot detect, learn and adapt to reduce these glitches. With the implementation of video surveillance technology, false noises and alarms can be ignored. AI-enabled video analytics utilizes excellent techniques for analyzing video footage and accurately detecting people, objects and actions. 

This blog explores the impact of AI video analytics software in reducing false alarms and protecting industrial premises from real security threats. 

What are AI-based video analytics?

Artificial intelligence video analytics software gathers video data from security cameras, analyzes it, and identifies threats while filtering out noises. It can distinguish and recognise between genuine and false actions and threatening and non-threatening situations. For instance, any unauthorized entry inside a designated premises can be flagged for security breaches.

Why are false alarm filters necessary?

A false alarm filter is a software program that can be integrated into a security system. It analyzes camera signals to differentiate between actual threats and triggers caused by irrelevant movement. 

What are the false alarm filtering techniques?

Some standard filtering techniques involve:

Pet detection

Harnessing image recognition and heat signature analysis, it applies advanced filters for distinguishing between pets and humans. 

Size & motion detection

Effective filtering helps ignore objects below a certain size and movement patterns inconsistent with human activity. 

Zone activation

Certain specified areas within surveillance assigned as trigger zones effectively diminish alerts from insignificant sources. 

Challenges associated with false alarms & noises

Within an industrial or official environment, false alarms can often result in work process disruptions and have potential impacts on overall security operations. Here’s an overview of the challenges relating to false noises & alarms. 

Psychological impact on operators

Often resulting in psychological harm to operators, constant alerts from noise or false alarms can be detrimental to a work culture.

Missed genuine alerts

When systems have a large number of false alarms from noises, security personnel are unable to detect the valid ones from the false alarms. It may result in serious confusion leaving behind missed valid alerts that could have been detected and acted upon promptly.

Loss of productivity

In monitoring systems, false alarms often result in trust issues and result in delays in real emergency responses. This highlights the need for an efficient solution to reduce noise and false alarms.                                                                    

How does AI surveillance software help in reducing false alarms?

Object detection

Advanced intelligence technology is empowered with the capability to detect individuals entering secured restricted areas. It can accurately detect objects in challenging environments.                    

Masked individuals entry

With an AI-enabled security camera that is effectively programmed to detect masked individuals entering an industrial environment, premises or business. The software can be well configured for individuals not wearing PPEs and are not abiding by the safety compliances. 

Fire & smoke detection

In a workplace infrastructure, advanced AI can seamlessly detect flames and smoke during the early stages. This, in turn, can potentially prevent catastrophic incidents and seek faster intervention. AI-enabled smoke and fire detection harness video data for distinguishing between real smoke, pocket fires, steam and dust. 

How AI video analytics can be used as a weapon against noise & false alarms?

How Does AI Surveillance Software Help In Reducing False Alarms 1

A security infrastructure confronting prolonged false alarms can disrupt the efficacy of security operations. At Nextbrain, our AI video surveillance software provides an advanced solution for reducing false alarms and noises. By harnessing powerful machine learning algorithms, AI software can intelligently analyze video feeds, filtering out false alarms caused by noise and accurately identifying threats. Nextbrain’s video analytics system functions by automating face recognition and automatic vehicle number plate recognition in camera feeds, real-time monitoring and analysis, and potentially reducing the number of false positives. It improves the overall productivity of monitoring operators and diminishes stress. Leveraging AI-powered video analytics software with existing monitoring systems can result in a smooth transition.

Advanced intelligence technology has major benefits when it comes to diminishing the rate of false alarms in workplaces and industrial units. 

Predictive analytics 

It can assess historical data and spot events to predict probable security glitches enabling prompt security measures to prevent incidents.  

Enhanced accuracy

AI in object detection plays a major role in the real-time identification of objects, humans, and actions. It administers more accurate alerts and prevents real threatful situations.

Lesser false alarms

By recognizing irrelevant motions of animals or birds, it can detect genuine events diminishing false alarms.

Faster response times 

Real-time analysis of events helps in seeking prompt responses. It triggers real-time alerts and notifies security personnel preventing any catastrophic situations.          

Virtual geo-fencing

AI technology can seamlessly monitor specific areas while ignoring traffic outside of the zones.  

Filtering out irrelevant motion

Having the potential to filter out motion even if it’s slow or fast, it can detect the actions done in motion filtering out irrelevant actions.

Wrapping up

At Nextbrain, we have an experienced team of developers with many years of knowledge in AI video surveillance software development. The intelligent technology harnesses video data and analyzes them generating actionable insights. Having mastered the effective strategies of AI video analytics software, we strive to help businesses of varied sizes and industries. By harnessing powerful machine learning techniques, we developed AI software that can efficiently analyze video feeds, filter false alarms and promote accurate detection of legitimate threats. 

Are you looking for AI video surveillance software for your business? Get in touch with our experts.