4 min readAI video analytics: How it improves safety & productivity in construction industry
Maximizing Safety And Productivity With Video Analytics In Construction

With technological advancements in AI technology, the potential of video analytics continues to grow. By incorporating AI in video surveillance systems,  enterprises can increase safety and security by improving their operations. Nowadays, more enterprises are changing their approach to site management and security.

For any construction site, video surveillance is important for monitoring the heavy inflow of workers and construction vehicles. One of the relevant challenges involved in a large construction facility is monitoring and surveillance. Manual monitoring often can have flaws that can lead to potential glitches in manufacturing processes. It is important to prioritize construction safety by preventing on-site mishaps and enhancing efficiency.

This blog post is going to delve deeper into the major advantages of implementing technology in the construction industry.

Introduction to video analytics

Video analytics can be defined as the process of extracting valuable information from video data. Analyzing video data in real time comprises detection, classification and tracking.

How do AI video analytics enhance construction safety?

AI Video Analytics Enhance Construction Safety 1

Among various industries, construction sites are the most hazardous place where work injuries are commonplace. Video analytics powered by AI offers a more proactive approach to continuous real-time monitoring of high-risk factors in construction sites. It enables managers to administer instant alerts allowing the managers to pinpoint effective dangers and take immediate action for preventing injuries before they occur.

  • PPE detection

Ensure construction safety by identifying safety PPE wearables on sites. Managers across construction sites can configure video monitoring algorithms for detecting workers without PPE safety wearables. 

  • Detecting dangers under loads

Across construction sites, the main danger lies in falling objects. With real-time monitoring, workers can be immediately alerted and sent out of the highly lifted object zone. 

  • Open edge detection

Fatalities in the workplace majorly happen due to slips and trips. Real-time analytics are capable of detecting major accidents within construction sites.   

  • Restricted area monitoring

Different construction sites have zones with controlled access to protect individuals from exposure to hazardous situations. Video analytics assist managers in coordinating an immediate response. 

  • Identifying vehicle proximity

Construction vehicles can pose relevant risks to workers. Vehicles coming in and out of the construction sites are kept on track by AI video analytics software.

  • History 

Across construction sites preventing construction safety incidents, video analytics administers data and trends for assisting managers. It allows them to recognize safety practices, and revise and reinforce them among workers. It can improve the on-site safety culture and reduce workplace accidents. 

Video analytics for enhanced productivity

When every other business vertical is embracing technological advancements, construction companies should improve workplace safety by holding hands with AI video analytics. As per the global construction industry database, it has been reported that employee productivity levels are capable of increasing the sector’s added value by more than $1.5 trillion.

AI Video analytics For Construction sites provide intelligent insights into workers’ activity and operations. From offering real-time monitoring to suitable resource allocation, video analytics systems have diverse applications across diverse fields. It helps authorities to make informed decisions regarding work schedule optimization resulting in enhanced work productivity.

Smoke & fire detection

Considered a high-risk workplace, construction sites are prone to fire hazards. One of the prominent causes of fire in construction facilities is malfunctioning electrical gadgets. AI video analytics can mitigate dangers by identifying smoke in workplace sites. Smoke caught on surveillance cameras is immediately alerted through AI video analytics, delivering information essential to respond in real time. When integrated with security cameras, video analytics powered by AI can be leveraged to prevent fire incidents. 

Remote video monitoring is considered a cost-effective and relevant way for construction companies. 

Improved operational efficiency

AI Video analytics have proved to be the key to administering valuable insights into worker’s activity. Vehicle activities across construction sites should be monitored in real time. Video data is analyzed and AI algorithms can recognize behavior patterns and spot areas effectively improving workflow. Advanced video analytics can seamlessly identify inefficiencies in the construction process. 

For instance, when there are loopholes in the delivery of materials. This can be identified and addressed instantly enhancing overall efficiency.   

Cost-effective results

AI technology is empowered with the potential to save the construction industry. By harnessing AI video analytics, construction companies can save relevant costs relating to accidents. Across construction sites, accidents can typically lead to medical bills, expensive lawsuits, insurance claims and other medical expenses.            

Wrapping up:  Maximizing construction safety & productivity with video analytics

False alarms often lead to issues across construction sites. With the embracement of advanced video analytics technology, construction managers can operate and monitor facilities easily. By leveraging AI video analytics, construction companies can seamlessly save relevant costs. Looking out for embracing video analytics for your construction business verticals? Nextbrain is the leading AI video analytics technology providing construction safety with Video Surveillance Solutions for different businesses. 

To know more about AI video analytics solutions for different industries, get in touch with us.