6 min readWeb Design And Website Development For Auto Manufacturing Companies
NBCanada Web Design And Development For Auto Manufacturing Companies Thumbnail

Web design refers to the design and development of web pages and this includes different areas such as web graphic design, user interface(UI) design, search engine optimization of the said website to be designed.it also includes the process of adding proprietary software and other processes that reflect the easy usability and high interest of the client-side.

Web design is a broad term that encompasses all the skills required to foster the interest of the user. Now, any automotive website design and web development company need the latest advancements in web design technology. This is because the look and feel of the automotive company website are just as important as the vehicle that the company makes.

Benefits of Web Design for your business

The following information and statistics can give you a hint of just how important a page’s website design can be. 

NBCanada Statistics Of Benefits Of Web Design For Your Business

Let’s start with some amazing web design and development statistics to fully understand how much the process of web design is important. The statistics presented here are from various sources such as behaviour and information design, blue corona, and statistics. They are presented in a seemingly random order, but nevertheless are important for any company.

  • 48% of users believe website design is the number one factor when it comes to deciding a business’s credibility.
  • 38% of visitors will move on to a different website if the web design is perceived to be, in their eyes, unattractive.
  • The average user needs only 50 milliseconds(0.005 seconds) to form an opinion on just about any website.
  • 57% of consumers won’t recommend businesses that don’t have a mobile version of their website.
  • A bad user experience will likely cost an online shopping company about 88% of its user base.
  • Over 90% of users create their first impression of a website based on web design alone.
  • 68% of companies with a mobile-first strategy for their website increased their revenue.
  • Web design and development alone forms greater than 70% of the judgment on a company’s perceived credibility.

As the statistics show, web design becomes extremely important for any company, and web design services in auto manufacturing will not stay blind to these developments.

Web design services we can offer

Although not solely functioning as an automotive web design agency, nextbrain technologies offers state of the art web design with clean layout. It is a company that has experience developing mobile apps, so it can create mobile first website designs that help retain customers. We will now look at some way we can offer the best web design services for auto manufacturing.

Search engine optimization

NBCanada SEO

Web design services for auto manufacturing include search engine optimization(also known as SEO) services. These services help retain the customers through unpaid traffic, or organic traffic, rather than direct or paid traffic. Unpaid traffic can come from different ways such as image searches, hyperlinks, video search,  academic search, news search and industry specific vertical searches. SEO is the process of web design considering how search engines work and the algorithms behind them. It involves the selection of appropriate keywords in the webpage so that search engines will link it higher in their search engine results page(SERP). SEO thus becomes a massive way customers get transported to your automotive manufacturing company’s website.

Responsive design

NBCanada Responsive Design

Top end website design comes with responsive, dynamic design. This means the website looks professional in both desktop and mobile devices. since customers these days don’t recommend websites that do not have a mobile version of the site(see statistics), any automotive web design agency that must take care of this feature. Responsive web design also means adding more real-to-life animations and making the web page more attractive to the user base. 


NBCanada Security

The company website that does not care about this feature is leaving itself open to cyber attacks that can hamper, in this case the reputation of the company. Since users decide credibility based on the web design alone(again, see statistics) web design services for auto manufacturing must ensure security of their website by using web pages which follow the HTTPS standard. This standard enhances the security of websites by making use  of digital certificates which use SSL(secure sockets layer) or TLS(transport layer security) technology. The current version of TLS was introduced in august 2018, and it is TLS 1.3

Incorporating trends

NBCanada Trends

Website design trends change very fast. An example is how google and facebook changed their logo design from the 3d design to 2d design and how pepsico corporation soon followed. Any automotive web design agency must be in touch with the latest trends and incorporate them in their web designs. Failing to do so can make people think the web page is old or sometimes otherwise unreliable. We can use google trends or alexa internet’s services to search for the latest trends in the tech world. This helps incorporation of new technologies easy. The development team on the other hand must be trained in the new technologies that come up constantly as the time goes on.

Customized design

NBCanada Customised Design

Aside from high security and search engine optimization, we offer custom design for every customer, tailored and suited to their needs. As an automotive web design and development company, the latest developments in the field of web design is constantly tracked in our company and any unique custom requirements for any auto manufacturing company is provided by our skilled development team. Custom UI design can be provided which will help in customer retention and improve customer relationships.


These days web design must keep up with the latest technology and upcoming trends. The future is filled with attractive and secure website design, where customers and companies alike can get what they want in an ever more interactive manner. The competition in the field is high, and everyone competes for customer retention, in a world of limited customers. Nextbrain Technologies is a leading Toronto based mobile app development company that can make feature rich web designs owing to its years of experience in mobile app development.



Digital transformation expert with 12 years of experience in digital products for various industries.
