6 min readUnveil critical ways to enrich your campus experience with digital signage

With the advancement in technology, educational organizations are adopting advanced technologies for engaging students and staff within an educational environment. Digital signage is becoming significant in the educational sector too. This technology can be implemented in schools, colleges and universities to attract student’s attention, at the same time adapting a cost-effective means for schools to interact and communicate with students, staff and teachers. There are times when campuses can be large making it difficult for the organizations to interact intricately. It becomes quite challenging for students, visitors and faculty to maintain internal communications in higher education.     

After the pandemic hit nations across the world, the modern digital natives are growing up with the Internet. They are more acquainted with facilitating and mediating work & play with digital devices. Therefore, educational organizations have no other choice but to begin their digital transformation journey further. A series of deep culture, technology and workforce shifts to enable new educational models. In this blogpost, we are going to focus on the many ways in which digital signage can boost the campus experience of students, staff and teachers within educational organizations like schools, colleges and institutions.  

Introducing digital signage: What exactly digital signage is

Prior to discussing the advantages of digital signage, it is relevant to understand what digital signage is. Digital signage can be defined as the multiple formats of content displayed on digital screens across different locations primarily for advertisement. Leveraging digital signage solutions to the fullest for education campuses can be increasingly influential. Herein, we can take a glance at the multiple ways in which digital signage can benefit your educational organization by creating a positive way of communique within the infrastructure. 

Striking ways digital signage can enrich the campus experience

Let’s take a look at the multiple ways in which intuitive digital signage solutions can effectively impact your staff and students creating a feature-rich campus experience. 

Efficiently simplifying navigation & wayfinding      

Efficiently Simplifying Navigation Wayfinding

The process of finding a way inside a school campus and university building can be challenging. Herein displaying navigation maps with digital wayfinding can assist students, staff, visitors and teachers in finding their route to the desired location. 

Digital screens installed at various locations inside a campus can be linked to digital signage software which will help to manage digital content to be displayed across the digital screens. Digital signage solutions make it easier for admins and school authorities to control digital content from centralized access. Digital displays of interactive maps will help in minimizing confusion among staff and students. 

Communicating information easily

Information relating to school periods, syllabus, exam schedules and class assignments can be displayed through digital display screens. Digital signage offers an ideal medium to disseminate important information. Individuals on campus can usually overlook static messaging boards; however, dynamic digital signage offers a great platform for maintaining school security by integrating with an emergency alert system.    

Empowering campus safety measures

When it comes to school and college campuses, safety is of foremost concern. The process of incorporating digital signage can assist in improving the security and safety of schools by integrating with an emergency alert system. Digital signage solutions for campus offer real-time alerts and updates relating to school classes. This enables the educational authority to reach students & staff on campus during the time of emergency situations. Therefore, it ensures safety across the educational environment. 

Increase overall ROI & sustainability 

Digital signage has helped in disseminating information in the form of digital content format. This eliminates the need to spend money in terms of printing advertisements and posters to be displayed around campus. It is responsible for cutting down efforts and expenses of traditional printing communication. Additionally, digital display has the potential to reach a vast community of audiences. Utilizing this platform is environmentally friendly as it eradicates the need to use paper for printing. Digital signage is one of the effective ways to improve communication with students and staff at the time of creating a sense of community.   

Acting paperless is considered a pro of the widespread usage of digital signage. Digital signage has the potential to streamline and scale the production and distribution of content including reading lists, posters, billboards and many more. Digital signage is a versatile and cost-effective way of building community within your campus and plays a significant role in digital transformation strategy. 

Menu boards of campus cafes & stores

Menu Boards Of Campus Cafes Stores

Digital signage provides multiple benefits on school or college campuses. Right from menu boards of cafeterias to recreation stands, digital signage can be used for sharing nutritional information, promoting new menu items and incorporating live stories of campus information into digital menu boards to ensure essential information regarding schools/colleges. 

Automate scheduling        

Digital signage systems have the ability to automate the scheduling of menu boards and related digital content. One can easily set menus to automatically change and update depending on distinct factors such as inventory availability, time of the day and weather conditions.

Easy integration with backend systems

Nowadays, it has become easier to connect digital signage systems with POS and inventories to ensure that data can be reflected on-screen. One can easily promote items and do promotions. 

Bringing the new digital corner

Studying has never been easier before. The traditional way of visiting school common halls to find seat allotments as per roll numbers and admit card numbers in different lists can be tedious nowadays owing to the hectic schedules of students. This problem is mitigated by the digital display of results and announcements in front of classrooms. Top development companies can integrate digital signage solutions with calendar and resource systems to streamline the flow of information and ensure room usage updates in real time.      

Visual emergency notifications

Visual Emergency Notifications

There are times when it becomes difficult to reach every class and notify about emergencies. Integrating digital signage with audio alarms, will enable you to share crucial information with students, teachers as well and staff.    

Final Conclusion: Revamp your campus with digital signage

If you are looking forward to rebuilding your educational institution with digital signage, then your search ends here. Nextbrain is among the top software development companies creating effective solutions for educational organizations. Having effective expertise in development, we have curated digital signage software for multiple industry verticals. In terms of safety & security, streamlining operations, engaging students and sending emergency notifications, digital signage can be used effectively for sharing real-time information. Our developers have many years of experience in developing state-of-the-art solutions leveraging advanced technologies and tools for different industry verticals. Connect with expert professionals to know more about digital signage for campus.